2 days in Luxembourg itinerary

I visited Luxembourg only because I was in Belgium with a few friends and had a bit of extra time, so I thought to myself, why not explore a new country? Considering how small the country is, it felt that […]

1 week in Belgium, the perfect itinerary

While Belgium doesn’t feature anywhere near my top recommended countries to visit, if you’re in Europe and looking for a typical European experience that combines old towns with cobbled stone streets, medieval architecture, great beer, amazing food, and a fantastic […]

Sawback Trail Hike: Johnston Creek to Baker Lake

In the winter before Parks Canada backcountry reservations opened, I poured over my topo maps looking for a backcountry trip in Banff National Park I hadn’t done that looked interesting. I ended up choosing a four-day variation of the Sawback Trail hike that started at the Moose Meadows parking lot (near Johnston Canyon) and took us up Johnston Creek Valley, Pusatilla Pass, Baker Lake, and finished at the bottom of the fire road near the Lake Louise Ski Area. It […]

Memorial Lakes Hike in Kananaskis

The Memorial Lakes are a series of three lakes in Kananaskis Country, with each one more difficult to reach that the previous one. The upper lake, accessed by a gnarly scramble, is home to a stone memorial to honour 13 victims killed in three separate plane accidents in 1986, two of which were search and rescue operations for the first plane crash. The amount of bad luck is unbelievable! The hike to the Memorial Lakes can serve as a reminder […]