7 Travel Tech Essentials for International Travelers

Original content owned & copyrighted by Green Global Travel.

The comfort and convenience of international travel has come a long way in recent years, thanks in part to the invention of more and more tech essentials for travelers.
During my first international backpacking trip, I traveled with a portable CD player and the heaviest Lonely Planet guidebook you could imagine. I’d find an internet café every couple of weeks to let my family know that I was okay.
Nowadays, technology helps to make international travel less of a struggle. There are an array of wonderful gadgets and devices that can revolutionize the way we travel, putting an end to some of the most common travel woes.
Gone are the days of outlandish international phone charges, dead phone batteries, lost luggage, no access WiFi, noisy flights (or bus rides), and the uncertainty of getting to your next hotel.
Read on for our guide to 7 Travel Tech Essentials for International Travelers, each of which we believe should on your packing list for your next trip abroad!

Travel Tech Essentials Guide

1. SIM Cards 
2. Universal Travel Adaptors
3. Electronic Translators
4. Power Banks
5. Noise Cancelling Headphones
6. WiFi Hotspots
7. Luggage Trackers

1. SIM Cards 

Getting an international SIM card or eSIM is always wise when traveling overseas.

An international SIM card (or eSIM) will help you stay connected, but without then additional roaming charges often incurred when using your smartphone abroad.

Sim Local is one of the most popular SIM card and eSIM retailers in the UK and Europe, offering 5-star customer service and a wide variety of plans to make sure that every traveler can find the perfect package to meeting their needs.

You can purchase a physical SIM card or download an eSIM, which is a convenient and eco-friendly option since there’s no physical card involved. 

A SIM Local eSIM is especially great for travelers because it’s really easy to set up different profiles for different countries and regions. It’s also super secure, as you can never lose an eSIM! Use code GREENGLOBAL at Sim Local to get 10% off your purchase.

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2. Universal Travel Adaptors

As a UK native who grew up using our funky 3-prong electrical plugs, I know how essential it is to carry travel adaptors when exploring other countries.

Back when I first started traveling, I had a pouch filled with every adaptor for every plug socket I might possibly run into on my adventures around the world.

Nowadays, thank goodness, there’s the universal travel adapter. While electrical sockets still vary across the globe, travelers only need to carry one compact, portable travel adaptor, which offers global compatibility. 

Many adaptors these days come with USB ports, offering space to charge multiple electronic devices at once.

Since different countries have different amperage levels, be sure that your universal travel adaptor offers built-in safety measures, and is compatible with your requirements. 

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3. Electronic Translators

Gone are the days of desperately thumbing through a pocket language book while trying to find the perfect phrase in the heat of the moment.

Electronic translators can revolutionize your trip abroad if you don’t have a good a grip on the local lingo.

There are many fine translation apps to download to your smartphone these days, but you can also get your hands on an electronic translator. 

These devices can help instantly translate spoken and written language. Some also have cameras, allowing you to snap pics of street signs and restaurant menus, so you won’t have to ask for assistance all the time. 

Remember that translation devices are not 100% accurate, and cannot always pick up on language idioms and nuances. But they can really help you get a good gist of what is happening around you when it matters most.

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4. Power Banks

A portable power bank can be extremely useful when traveling, and one that comes with a solar charger is even better. I have one of these, and it’s especially useful when we’re exploring remote areas!

Having a power bank means that you don’t have to dread that dying battery symbol on your phone, iPad, or laptop. 

A backup power source can really help you out of a bind if you’re in an unfamiliar place with no phone battery.

If you find yourself with no power outlets and the “less than 10%” warning pops up, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you have a little extra fuel to get to the next place.

Travel power banks come in various sizes, but some are very light, compact products that will add very little bulk or weight to your luggage. 

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5. Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones have become one of our favorite travel must-haves.

Some can actually help with the changes in airplane cabin pressure, which anyone who has flown abroad knows can be very uncomfortable.

They can also help drown out ambient noise on flights and/or public transportation, leaving you with a chance for some peace and quiet in an otherwise disruptive setting.

There are an array of different models to choose from on the market, from the classic over-the-ear headphones to noise-cancelling earbuds.

Pro tip: If you opt for the wireless variety, look for a set that also comes with a cord option so that you can still plug into the in-flight entertainment system!

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6. WiFi Hotspot

A mobile WiFi hotspot allows you to connect to the internet when there’s no public WiFi available. It acts like a personal portable router, using a cell signal to connect to the closest available tower.

These days most smartphones have a built-in feature that allows them to be used as WiFi hotspots. But this tends to run phone batteries out quickly, and they don’t always connect to the closest tower with the strongest signal. 

Alternatively, travelers can get a mobile WiFi device that’s super portable and can slip right into your pocket or backpack.

They work independently from cell phones, so they won’t use up any precious battery power. But they do need their own cell service or SIM card.

With a WiFi hotspot, you can take your online work, gaming, or streaming just about any place you need to be.

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7. Luggage Tracker

In our experience, worrying whether your bag has made it onto the same flight as you (or has been sent on to its final destination, if you have a layover) can be nerve-wracking as a traveler.

We use trackers to keep an eye on all kinds of things these days, but what could be more useful as a traveler than the ability to track your luggage?

Knowing that your luggage cannot get lost without you knowing its whereabouts brings such peace of mind.

Even if your bag manages to find its way far from you, you’ll always be able to pinpoint its exact location with a luggage tracker, which can be attached to any bag and uses Bluetooth, GPS, or cell connections to monitor your belongings. 

Some trackers are fitted with extra features (such as alarms or beepers) to help you find lost items, and alerts to let you know that your luggage has arrived at its destination.  -by Emma Higgins